Ayurveda is a science based on ancient Indian Philosophy. It can appropriately called The Science Of Living. Popularly speaking, Ayurveda can be defined as a medical science, which helps the human body to keep fit, while providing cures from indigenous plants, animal products and minerals for ailments.Ayurveda is essentially, the science of healthy living; it is as much concerned with normal as with the abnormal. Being essentially the science of healing, it concentrates on what is required to lead healthy, normal life. It deals not only with what is to be done when one falls ill, but also with what should be done to maintain ones health. Ayurveda contains details about body care and the various foods and drinks, which promotes health. It contains the description of various diseases and their cures, and recommends the correct diet and behavior regime to counter these diseases.According to ancient Indian Philosophy, the universe is composed of five basic elements earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Everything in this universe, including food and bodies we possess, is derived from these elements. A fundamental harmony therefore exists between the universe and the individual.Ayurveda maintain that there is definite relationship between illness and metaphysical state of an individual. Its approach to medical treatment is to focus on the person rather than the disease.There are systems, which develops out of Ayurveda or were influenced by it. One such system is Tibetan system of medicine.Researches in traditional medicine- proves that Ayurveda richly deserves- have confirmed the efficacy of most of the natural substances used by practitioners of Ayurveda: bitter gourd to revive a falling pancreas, papaya seeds to kill intestinal worms without causing harm these are just 2 cases in point.