Maternal diabetes or gestational diabetes occurs when a pregnancy is complicated by diabetes. Statistics show that 95% of mothers with diabetes depend highly on insulin. It also indicates diabetes can occur on different levels. One is when the mother is already diabetic even before the baby inside her was conceived. Another is when the mother develops diabetes while she is pregnant. When this happens, this is what is called gestational or maternal diabetes. Now some mothers stay diabetic even when they have already delivered their child but there are those who will later on become normal again.
Gestational diabetes occurs because the hormones during the pregnancy period were reduced due to the mother's dependence on insulin. Too much dependence on insulin can lead to an increase in blood sugar. Two to three percent soon-to-be mothers are affected by gestational diabetes.
Most of the time, these are mothers who
- have a family history of type 2 diabetes
- are older than the average maternal age. It's more risky the older the woman becomes
- are African-Americans, North American and Hispanics. These people have more chances getting gestational diabetes
- also experienced getting maternal diabetes before when they were also pregnant with another child
- have given birth to a child who weighed more than the average 9 pounds.
The point is any woman can get it. Be they old or young, Caucasian or Asian, there's no specific target. But the factors mentioned above show that these are the women who are most likely to have the disease. Gestational diabetes hits these women in the later stages of their pregnancy when the baby is already developed inside them.
There's no way to know for sure whether the woman is already experiencing gestational diabetes. But if she is always thirsty and always peeing, always tired, dizzy and vomits, has yeast infection and blurry vision, you must have a doctor tend to her.
Gestational diabetes normally occurs during the 24th until the 28th week of the pregnancy state. If the mother eats properly and exercises whenever she can, then the occurrence of maternal diabetes can be regulated and lessened. But if it is already there, then gestational diabetes may be treated with insulin.
Contemporary cases of gestational diabetes occurrence also show that not only does a mother's age have an effect but also the father's age. The older the father is, then the more possibility for the mom to have gestational diabetes when carrying the child.
It also shows that when the mother has an eating disorder or is not taking care of herself properly, then there's more chance for her to get maternal diabetes. Substance abuse and smoking are also risk factors that will not only harm the mother but the child as well.
The effects of incurring gestational diabetes during pregnancy is that the mother will most likely undergo a caesarian delivery. In worse cases, the baby has to be delivered earlier than the normal nine months and will have to be incubated instead. That's why gestational diabetes, when it occurs or has the possibility to occur, must be taken seriously.
Managing the proper lifestyle, exercising properly and regularly and taking in the right diet results to the safety of both mother and child during the pregnancy stage. There wouldn't be a problem with the hormones and gestational diabetes has less possibility of occurring